Mindfulness Workbook for Perfectionism: Effective Strategies to Overcome Your Inner Critic and Find Balance

Mindfulness Workbook for Perfectionism Effective Strategies to Overcome Your Inner Critic and Find Balance

Embrace mindfulness and make peace with imperfection.

It’s easy to think of perfectionism as a positive attribute. But the pursuit of total excellence can come at a cost; many perfectionists deal with anxiety, depression, or a general sense of disconnection. This perfectionism workbook encourages you to explore your own relationship with perfectionism and shows you how mindfulness exercises can help you overcome it.

Understand perfectionism—Learn why perfectionism often takes root, from parental demands to societal expectations, and how it can manifest in different ways, like having unreasonable standards and low self-worth.

  • Explore mindfulness—Discover why mindfulness is so effective at managing perfectionist tendencies and how it can cultivate patience, acceptance, and non-judgment.
  • Build your practice—Gain insight into your own perfectionism with thoughtful writing prompts, and develop mindfulness strategies through meditation, breathing exercises, and more.
  • Rethink your relationship with perfectionism and adopt a healthier mindset through mindfulness.

Buy Mindfulness Workbook for Perfectionism today.

Mindfulness Workbook for Perfectionism Effective Strategies to Overcome Your Inner Critic and Find Balance